Riley Champion

Student | Software Engineer

Hi There!

My name is Riley, I am a rising third-year at UC Irvine pursuing a B.S. in Computer Science. I grew up in a small town in Riverside County, and with little time on my hands, I found myself attached to our family computer. My interest only continued as I learned more about computer programming and software development, and once I entered college, the rest is history!

From the numerous amount of coursework, hackathons, and personal projects, I am always looking for ways to better the skills that will equip me for my future career. Whether it be through understanding the nuances of numerous algorithms and data structures or through exploring the complexities of computer architecture, each experience has taught and challenged me to become a better developer.

Currently, I am exploring my interest in Web Development with both the front and backend by developing full-stack projects and taking multiple Udemey courses. Additionally, I am proficient in languages like Python, C++, and C, while on the other hand, I am learning new frameworks and languages including NodeJS and ReactJS. When I'm not coding, I usually spend my time playing videogames, going on long-distance runs, and drawing.
